Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tasting- Nykteri Santorini Yannis

Name: Nykteri Santorini Yannis Dry White Wine
Variety: Nykteri comes from the Assyrtico, Athiri and Aidani varieties
Region: Santorini
Country: Greece
Year: 2010
Price: $13.95

Winery review: Crystal-clear, semi-yellow wine. Dominated by the aromas of jasmine, citrus fruits, flowers and pear, all these enhanced with a gentle vanilla sense. A strong body with warm personality and a long lasting taste. It is served in 11-12oC. It is perfectly accompanied with grills and poultry as well as with local Greek dishes such as tomato meatballs and fava dip.

My review: Pretty boring. This wine is what comes to mind when I hear "standard table white." There is nothing special to it. The dominate aromas they described were less than stellar. I smelled a little bit of pear and that was it. With my first sip, I got more flavor than I had expected after smelling it. However, the flavors didn't really flow together. It was definitely a very dry white and seemed very flat. Nothing about this wine really jumped out at me.

I had this wine without food. The reviewers suggest having this wine with flavorful Greek dishes, which I think might help bring out some of the flavors in the wine.

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